Radiator: Ways to save energy and money when using it!
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Do you hesitate to open the radiator when it is cold outside? The heating of the house as well as its cost is at least for five months a year an important part of the family budget. Learn how to save energy and money with small, simple habits. 

It is a fact that hundreds of liters of oil or gas are wasted by households every month due to misuse of radiators. 

The team of INVESTA Real Estate – real estate agency Larissa gives you advice on what to look out for to keep your house warm and heating costs down.


A boiler that has not been properly maintained may lose up to 40% of the heat it should be pumped into the bodies in the space where it is installed.


The key to the proper functioning of the heating system is the frequent venting of radiators to release the trapped air. This is even true for high floors.


The temperature of the radiator should not exceed 20oC to heat your space satisfactorily. In addition, by leaving the indicator at these levels, you consume less energy. 


Do not forget to lower the thermostat during the hours you are away from home or late at night. In addition, it is advisable to avoid closing it. This saves you the extra energy needed to re-heat the house.
