Rehabilitation after training with 4 homemade beverages
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Most of you will know how important it is to hydrate the body after any form of training. Our body loses fluids which must be restored immediately in order for the muscles to recover and prolong our endurance. New research has shown that it is not only water that benefits in this direction. There are a variety of options that can provide just as good hydration as that of water. The team of INVESTA Real Estate – Real Estate Larissa, studied and gathered for you 4 ideal beverages options for immediate rehabilitation after exercise.


Those of you who love chocolate, then the news is positive for you. Chocolate milk is a very good source of carbohydrates, as compared to white it has the double amount. This makes chocolate milk an ideal choice for muscle recovery after training, as it replenishes the glycogen that is lost when we exercise. For best results you can consume combined carbohydrates with protein. Also, during exercise the human body is sweaty, resulting in symptoms of fatigue, mental confusion and muscle cramps. Milk with chocolate also helps in this direction. In addition, chocolate milk has a high water content which means that it can hydrate the body by replenishing essential electrolytes, such as calcium, potassium and magnesium. Finally, this drink is ideal for endurance sports such as cycling and hiking.


Coconut milk is known to all of us for its nutritional and at the same time antioxidant properties. You can consume it after your daily exercise, as it has a high content of magnesium. A 2012 survey showed that coconut milk can be considered as beneficial after training as water as well as various beverages for athletes on the market. If you prefer light workouts it is an excellent choice, however if you exercise more intensely it would be advisable not to prefer it as the potassium content is deficient.

Cherry Juice

It is an excellent choice for the vulnerable muscles from training, as the antioxidants it has help fight inflammation and therefore in the proper functioning of the muscles. You can prefer it whatever exercise you follow, as it is suitable for both relaxed workouts and those that require endurance.

Black and green tea

A cup of tea helps not only to relax, but also to the oxidation of fat (breakdown and storage for energy). Both tea and cherry juice have a lot of antioxidants, which contributes to the reduction of muscle aches and their restoration. Finally, it provides to athletes a longer delay in the onset of muscle aches.
