How to get your home in a summer mood
1. Get rid of the rugs. It may be that in decorating magazines carpets have their place of honor all year round, but in their paper pages there is never summer. Pack them up without a second thought and walk barefoot on the cool floor.

2. Use pareos instead of throws. Covering the sofas in the winter makes us warm just thinking about it. Store the throws as high as possible in your wardrobe and layer summer pareos or cotton sheets in light shades.

3. Take advantage of your home's balconies. When the balcony doors are opened the house looks bigger, as we gain the square footage of the veranda.

4. Plant. A prerequisite for enjoying the outdoor spaces is to place your favorite summer plants: jasmine, bougainvillea, evening primroses and hollyhocks. If your balcony is narrow, prefer large hanging pots, if you still have space, you can invest by placing plants, thus creating a microclimate, which helps a lot in the summer heat.

5. Finally, be sure to keep your house musky. Choose organic essential oils without added technical fragrances, a few drops are enough. Prefer light summer scents such as: jasmine, geranium, lavender, basil. Place them in the special ceramic device and immediately the house will smell like summer!